Eze Nwauwah
1 min readDec 14, 2021


Since the resumption of school, it felt as though I had been casted into a raging sea of human faces, academic-related pursuits and other enterprises of varying relevance. Exactly a week and my subconscious began this murmur for a break, a breather, an escape from this sea to get “oxygen" at least before diving back in again. By the night my very whole mind itself had joined the protest against my absorption into the chaotic mixture of organic and inorganic elements tugging and pulling like a raging, foaming sea at my vessel of individuality, my uniqueness.
I have decided tomorrow is the day, in the evening I go to the fountain and allow my physical to enjoy the wind and my psyche to fix the wear and tear of sustained pressure on its components. To remind my physical that it is not one of them no matter how much it might look like them. To remind my physical that in entirety I am still alone in my world. To once again take itself on that beautiful walk through the universe it created for itself or in actuality, through the universe we created for ourselves. My Psyche and my Physical.



Eze Nwauwah

Documenting life, the universe and being the way I perceive it