
Eze Nwauwah
1 min readJun 2, 2023

A life shielded from rejection and now lived in the eternal fear of rejection. This fear further drives man into exclusion, for with social interaction inevitably comes the chance of rejection. But the pain of exclusion twists a soul. Man is condemned to having his most meaningful conversations with himself. When he is finally flung into the chaotic whirlpool of sociality, as he must eventually be, he is destroyed, crushed, confused, awkward, lost. An existence so steeped in solitude, he carries solitude around with him. In search of social interactions he may go but he is solitude itself now, so even in the midst of a million he is alone. For a game he never knew how to play, he has unfairly become "a loser". He is nothing more than a flesh-bag chock-full of thoughts, feelings and opinions unexpressed, he is ripping at the sutures. Soon enough there’s the rupture and expressions ill-suited for society as he may or may not know it burst out. Then comes the blowback. Doomed to witness the world from an external dimension, he has developed and holds on to unpopular viewpoints. His pathetic conversations are rife with deliberate efforts to censor and control what comes out. He is a failure with the ladies, he is incapable of "rizz". His preferences exist only in his head, there are no provisions for such in the real world. He is emotionally bankrupt, mentally drained by the perpetual attempt to understand the dynamics of this inscrutable game and become an active participant. He is socially inept.



Eze Nwauwah

Documenting life, the universe and being the way I perceive it